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產(chǎn)品中心您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > > 實(shí)驗室儀器 > M220340AMS底泥采樣器EKMAN445.11 型號Dredge
AMS底泥采樣器EKMAN445.11 型號Dredge

AMS底泥采樣器EKMAN445.11 型號Dredge

AMS底泥采樣器EKMAN445.11 型號Dredge

Ekman Dredge
The AMS all stainless steel Ekman dredge is spring-loaded with a messenger that travels down the rope and trips the dredge to close.





AMS底泥采樣器EKMAN445.11 型號Dredge

Ekman Dredge
The AMS all stainless steel Ekman dredge is spring-loaded with a messenger that travels down the rope and trips the dredge to close.
AMS底泥采樣器EKMAN445.11 型號Dredge
445.11 Ekman Dredge
The 6” x 6” x 6” Ekman Dredge is used for sampling benthic communities inhabiting soft bottomed aquatic environments. Hinged upper doors swing open as the dredge is lowered, allowing water to pass through and minimize shock wave. Stainless Steel Messenger closes dredge, preventing washout of sample. Cable release system, with bar grip, helps set dredge with greater safety. Dredge is constructed of stainless steel with special Heliarc welding for added strength and durability. A carrying case, 100ft. of line, and messenger are included. Also available is a 5’ aluminum handle with trip head that can be used in place of the line for shallow water work. Handle is easy to install on dredge.

Ekman Dredge 6.70 lb




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