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產(chǎn)品中心您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 粉塵/煙塵類(lèi) > 粉塵儀 > 空氣懸浮物監測儀 型號:t9M177426 H1 庫號:M177426
空氣懸浮物監測儀 型號:t9M177426 H1 庫號:M177426

空氣懸浮物監測儀 型號:t9M177426 H1 庫號:M177426

空氣懸浮物監測儀 型號:t9M177426 H1 庫號:M177426





空氣懸浮物監測儀 型號:t9M177426 H1 庫號:M177426

使用本儀器并不需要的技巧或工具,可以很容易地在幾分鐘內安裝測量顆粒物。所有的實(shí)時(shí)數據會(huì )立即儲存在儀器中,并可顯示在液晶屏上或下載到個(gè)人電腦中。
* 5.0Lpm(升每分鐘)流動(dòng)補償采樣泵。
*24小時(shí)電池容量或連續的A / C電廠(chǎng)運行。
*抽樣調查肺癌破壞環(huán)境下午- 10微米和PM - 2.5微米的微粒
* 野外火災和燃燒控制方面
* 城市運輸空氣質(zhì)量
* 室內空氣質(zhì)量研究,
* Determining levels of respiratory production
* 也可用于環(huán)境和衛生健康研究。
顯示:大型數字液晶顯示器 4行20字符。
Calibration: Gravimetric reference NIST traceable - SAE fine test dust
準確度:± 10% to filter gravimetric SAE fine test dust
測量范圍: 0.001-20.0 mg/m3; 或者0.01 - 200.0 mg/m3;; (可選)
粒子范圍: 0.01 - 100μm
精度:±0.003 mg/m3 (3 μg/m3)
采樣流速: 1.0 - 5.0 l/min。
Filter cassette:47mm FRM style
輸出報警: 90db at 3 ft
記錄時(shí)間: 1 s 到 15 個(gè)月都可以設置
采樣時(shí)間: 1 s, 10 s, 1 min, and 30 min
數據存儲: 21, 600
存儲時(shí)間: >5 年
實(shí)時(shí)時(shí)鐘顯示: 小時(shí), 分鐘, 秒, 日, 月, 年
數據顯示: 集中顯示mg/m3 & TWA, zui大值, zui小值, S, 日期, 時(shí)間
獅子輸出: RS-232
工作溫度: -10°C to 50°C
環(huán)境溫度: -20°C to 70°C
軟 件 包: 轉換數據和圖標
供 電: 可充電電池
工作時(shí)間: 電池工作大于24小時(shí)
充電時(shí)間: 大約22小時(shí)
濕 度: 露點(diǎn) 95%
箱體尺寸: 14.0" x 6.0" x 10.0"
重 量: 5.4kg
The instument provides a complete real-time profile and graphical representation of airborne particulate levels and exposures with data read out in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3). This dynamic capability is not possible with using only a gravimetric particulate sampler. The instument combines both the real-time and gravimetric technique, which allows the investigator more accuracy in defining and analyzing the nature and magnitude of potential health risk resulting from the inhalation of lung damaging particulates.
The instument complements both the EPA and OSHA reference methods. By offering an inexpensive and fast means to define problem areas and to "pinpoint" where more study is needed.
The instumentrequires no special skills or tools and can be easily setup in minutes for measuring Particulate Matter. All real-time data is immediay stored in the instrument's computer memory and can be viewed on the LCD display or downloaded to a PC using the provided statistical software package.
* Immediate display and data storage of lung damaging aerosols.
* Unique aerodynamic particulate sizing real-time sensor and in-line 47mm filter cassette which allows concurrent gravimetric samplings.
* High correlation to EPA PM-10 methods and TEOM*.
* Easy to use data analysis software.
* 5.0 Lpm (liters per minute) flow compensated sampling pump.
* True 24 hour battery capacity or continuous A/C power operation.
* Audible alarm siren.
* Optional Wireless Data Transmission to Central Computer
*TEOM is a trademark of Rupprecht & Patashnink Co.
Because of these unique and superior features the U.S. EPA uses the t9M177426, click here to View Air Quality Study.
The instument reduces the cost of acquiring data for regulatory compliance program support and safety audit reporting. The benefit of real-time data collecting allows for immediate and permanent documentation and assists in reducing the number of manual filter gravimetric tests. This reduces labor costs and associated lab analysis and results in a cost saving for any air monitoring programs.
* Survey sampling for lung damaging ambient PM-10 μm and PM-2.5 μm particulates
* EPA Saturation Monitoring studies to define problem areas
* Complements fixed monitoring sites with real-time graphical reports
* Waste site fence line monitoring for qualifying off site particulate migrations
* Evaluating pollution controls and equipment
* Trend analysis data for particulate air quality
* Emergency response and fugitive emissions
System comes complete
with carrying case, T9CC102 computer cable, battery charger, T9TSP sampling inlet and
Haz-Dust Media CDRom including instruction manual and DustComm Pro Software
compatible with Windows XP, 2000, NT, and ME.
Recommended Accessories to Order:
1)T9CAS105 (1) 47mm Filter Holder 0.5EPA (with Drain Disk)
2)T9EDC7047 (25) 47mm Glass Fiber Filters for Gravimetric Analysis
3)T9EPAM1.0, EPAM2.5, & EPAM10 Impactors for PM1.0, PM2.5, & PM10
4)Range Switch to add both concentration ranges .001-20mg/m3 or .01-200mg/m3

空氣懸浮物監測儀 型號:t9M177426 H1 庫號:M177426


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